About Me

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Hola! I know you clicked on the button to get to know more about me, and I am ready to tell it all. This is not your typical story, and I am not your typical coach! I am Karla Pena, and I guide women who are not feeling comfortable in their bodies anymore to take action and set smart goals to make changes in those areas where they don’t feel happy.

Photo of Karla and her family

Journey to Canada

This part of my journey started in 2016 when I left my home with four suitcases and moved to a new country with big aspirations. I crossed my loved Caribbean Sea with my one-year-old son and my husband to start a new life in Toronto, Canada, leaving behind, among other things, my career as an industrial Engineer. I took this as a chance to start fresh, so I went back to college to study Fitness and Health.

Photo of Karla

My breaking Point

The first two years were hard. I was raising a child, learning a new language, working, and studying in a full-time program; I was tired, overwhelmed and drained, but I chose to not say anything, I chose not to ask for help. My health was suffering, feeling anxious constantly, emotional breakouts, gaining weight, losing weight, eating out of schedule, acne, gastritis, bloated all the time.

Photo of Karla and her family on her graduation day

My Transformation

That is when I decided there needs to be REAL CHANGE. So, I took it upon myself to get educated and learn. I took it upon myself to research and ask the questions no one wanted to ask. I wanted to go deeper, andI did it, I enrolled in a life-changing program, I started to study to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. There, besides learning so many amazing things, I started my healing process.

Photo of Karla

Why can I Help you?

My journey started with me wanting to help myself, and through that, I found a deeper-lying passion for helping women who are just like me, who has to find the perfect balance amongst kids, partner, career, health and fitness. And I realized finding that balance takes time and effort but also the determination to see CHANGE. Whatever your goals may be, it starts with a change in your mindset, in wanting to help yourself first. There is where I come along to curate and design a plan with you, that works for you and your lifestyle; whether it is slowly changing eating habits or starting a workout routine, I am here for YOU.

If you have read this far, you know this “about section” was not about me. It was more for you, to show YOU that I am just like YOU. If you want to know more about me, let’s get in touch. I would love to have a conversation!